Next Level Lemon Square

Sometimes people just want a recipe and are bored with a back story because they need the recipe. 

I prefer that too! Here is the lemon squares recipe and if you want to read why it is sharable then you must read the short story below. 


All purpose Flour                     2 cups

Salted Butter                           1 cup

If you use unsalted butter add 1/3 tsp salt

Granulated sugar                    ½ cup.

Bring together into a crumble and press into a 9x13 baking pan. Bake 350F until sides are golden. About 15 minutes.

Lemon Curd

Eggs( large)                             3

Yolk                                         1

Granulated sugar                    250 gms

Unsalted butter                       120 gms

Zest of lemon                          1 whole lemon

Freshly squeezed lemon         90 mls

 Whisk all the ingredients together in a large metal bowl.

Place bowl on a pot of simmering water and cook stiring frequently until very thick, approximately 20 minutes.

Strain the curd into a bowl to remove any cooked egg. Then pour the strained curd over the base.

Take ½ cup sweetened coconut and toast until just brown. Watch carefully. Sprinkle on top of lemon curd and cool in fridge at least 2 hours before serving.

It was the case for this recipe that I found either in a cookbook or on-line, that I was simply in a hurry and needed to get several things done in a short time. Because of that I cannot give credit to where it found which is really ok as recipes are meant to be shared anyway.

This batch of lemon squares is very good and if people like lemon in the crowd they will quickly disappear. They went to a gathering where someone else also brought lemon squares. There was a large enough crowd that 2 pans were great and everyone was able to have some. The other pan was made with package lemon filling which is normally perfect in a pinch. I would not recommend serving package squares next to these. The package baker was so insulted when they heard the compliments for these squares that we haven't spoken much since. 

It was, that those who tried the lemon squares from this recipe said, "Who made these lemon squares? Are they ever good". Sadly nobody said that about the package batch.

I have made the package lemon squares and everyone enjoyed them so very much. There wasn't a homemade batch to compare to though. A lime package square also is great in a pinch and has been a go to square when in a hurry or at the cottage. 

Enjoy these next level lemon squares which are easy and delightful. If you decide to take them to an outdoor spring party you may want to ask if anyone else is bringing lemon squares.

Rover revelation: Myself and other dogs can get allergies in the spring. You can try washing me down after an outing and giving me omega 3 supplements which may help. Spring allergies can cause chewing and insane scratching. If that happens I need to see the vet. Cheers and happy spring!



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