Closest thing to a Walnut Crunch.
Good things come from experiments! A walnut crunch Sconut for example. Here we have a would be chocolate scone that has turned into a little walnut delight. I cannot call it a scone or a walnut chrunch as I believe Tim Horton's has the rights to it so we can call it a Sconut. Half scone and half walnut crunch donut. I had a chocolate scone from Cobs Bakery and wanted to make one. When just substituting 1/4 of the flour with cocoa, I found the chocolate scone too dry and not sweet enough. After uping the sugar, butterand creams then trying again it dawned on me it tasted much like the beloved walnut crunch Tim Horton's no longer sells. I added a full cup of chopped lightly toasted walnuts and put a glaze on top and voila! We have a copycat! Here is the recipe: Chocolate Walnut Scones Preheat to 425F or 218C All Purpose Flour ...