Focaccia, Focaccia It Tastes so Good

Focaccia Flat bread originated in Italy and Ancient Rome. You can easily search the history of this wonderful flat bread and I recommend you take some time to learn about it. Here are two savory focaccia's. A rosemary shown above and a tomato/basil on the side. I use the focaccia recipe from Peter Rienhart's The Bread Bakers Apprentice, 15th anniversary edition. I have made slight changes I find suitable for the flour I use. All bakers recommend using a digital scale for accuracy. I will put both cups and teaspoons etc and grams for you. Just know that each cup of flour you get will be different and likely weigh more than the recommended amount. Bakers also recommend having all your utensils ready and all ingredients prepared before mixing. Bowl, sheet pan 17 X 12 inch, scraper or spatula, digital scale. Cover for sheet pan. I use a clear plastic bag. Metal or wooden spoon. This is a two day process To make use 17 X 12 inch or one cookie sheet size you ...